Dawn of Peace


A warm embrace and a huge thank you for considering to support us, I really appreciate it. It is our calling to give life to new and inspiring forms of activism, launch exciting events and create conscious content in the form of essays, videos and interviews. Our vision is to help empower people to become conscious co-creators of our reality, and sovereign leaders of their own lives. Organising peaceful activism in these tumultuous times is absolutely crucial, as we are facing unprecedented threats in the collective. Thus a lot of will and active engagement is required of us all, in order to protect the integrity and sacredness of all life. I deeply appreciate all the help we can get.

Your support helps keep things running and there are a lot of costs involved:
Server for our website; printing costs of flyers, cards, t-shirts and other materials for our activism; electronic mail-out services; video conferencing & streaming subscriptions; photo & video editing software subscriptions; hard drives & filming equipment; secure cloud storage, travel costs and other logistics.

If you don’t want anything from our store, you can also purchase a gift card as a donation. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,

Henna Maria



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